Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunnahs of Sleeping:

Sunnahs of Sleeping:
  x Discuss with one's family members matters pertaining to Deen before going to sleep (whether it is
in the form of reading some Islamic Books or narrating some incidents of Sahabah etc.).
x To sleep in the state of Wuzu.
x To make the bed yourself.
x Dust the bed thrice before retiring to bed.
x One should change into some other clothes (e.g.pyjamas) before going to sleep..
x It is Sunnah to sleep immediately after Esha Salaah.
x To apply surmah in both the eyes.
x To brush the teeth with a miswaak.
x To sleep on the right hand side.
x To sleep with the right palm under the right cheek.
x To keep the knees slightly bent when sleeping.
x To refrain from sleeping on ones stomach.
x To sleep on a bed or to sleep on the floor are both sunnah.
x To face Qiblah.
x To recite Surah Mulk, before sleeping.
x To recite Ayatul Qursi.
x To recite Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas
before sleeping 3 times and thereafter blow over the entire body thrice.
x Recite Tasbeeh-e-Fathima before sleeping.( i.e. 33 X Subhan Allah 33 X Alhamdulillah and 34 X Allahu Akbar).
x To recite the dua before sleeping.
x To wake up for Tahajjud Salaah.

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